LawnDoodles Erasing Your Pet's Unwanted Artwork In
Thurston, Mason & Kitsap Counties
Poop Scoopers

We support pet adoption and this is the largest site for adoptable dogs, cats, and other animals all over the country. You can look for lost and found pets too.
Great information about pet illness approved by veterinarians.
The Thurston County Animal Services Website - Olympia's shelter for adoptable pets. They also provide rehabilitation and rescue services for wildlife.

Links  Did you know that 1 in 3 dogs will develop cancer?  This organization was started by Cera Reusser in honor of her dog Chase.  Read Chase's story and you'll be a big fan of the work they do!  You can also download a copy of their flyer here:  Be Your Dog's Hero
The Big Daddy of All Pooper Scooper sites. There is a forum for scoopers, an international directory of scooping companies, and lots of information about scooping and scoopers.  Doody Master - Rochester NY Dog Waste Removal Service Dog based in Dansville, NY and serving Greater Rochester and Genesee Valley areas. Doody Master is a pooper scooper that offers pet poop pickup and yard cleaning services in Avon, Brighton, Chili, Conesus, Dansville, Henrietta, Livonia, Leicester, Fairport, Farmington, Gates, Geneseo, Greece, Lakeville, Honeoye Falls, Lima, Mendon, Mt. Morris, Penfield, Pittsford, Rochester, Rush, Scottsville, Victor, and Wayland.
Washington State's official government website. Revised Code of Washington, state agencies and much more.

The Humane Society of Mason County - working to build a no-kill shelter and educate pet owners about spaying, neutering, and other pet related matters.
A scooper with lots of information and listings for scoopers around the country.  The biggest free classified site out there.  You can find jobs, things for sale, pets, and yes - pooper scoopers.  A great company in Tampa, Florida that's been in business since 2003
The Kitsap Humane Society - Kitsap County's animal rescue, animal control, and adoption organization. 

tn_DgScWilyMotn.jpg This is a site for a really innovative product.  Mushers and dogs everywhere will want one!  They have several configurations for multiple dogs and multiple harness placements.
This site has lots of pet products: Scooping products, disinfection, grooming implements and shampoos, outfits, kennel supplies, collars and leashes, dog jewelry, and almost any other pet stuff you
can think of!
Forget Google and AltaVista - how about a search engine that searches both and a few more . . . and it's got a doggy name too.  A really cute site with scooper listings around the country
Our web hosting company. They have great prices and super customer service for beginners and webmasters alike.



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